Sleep Podcasts
Koala bear sleeping in a Eucalyptus tree

The podcast episodes listed below provide interesting information and positive suggestions about sleeping:

Sleep Well Dr Michael Mosley's series helping you sleep. It covers breathe, using morning light, enjoying your bed, warming up to cool down, and listening to your body. (from the Just One Thing podcast) 5 episodes each 14 min

Sleep Deprivation and Insomnia If we don't snooze, we lose. How badly does lack of sleep affect our mind and our body? (from the Mysteries of Sleep podcast) (28 min)

Herbal Sleep Aids Can teas, herbal tablets and oils or sprays send us to sleep? (from the Sliced Bread podcast) (28 min)

Snoring Products Can sprays, strips and other devices stop you snoring? (from the Sliced Bread podcast) (27 min)

Sleep: Nick Littlehales An interesting peep at the sleeping secrets of elite sportspeople ... and here's the challenge for us as carers - how can 90 minute controlled recovery periods (CRP) and other tips make a big difference to carers working 24/7? (from the Don't Tell Me The Score podcast) (41 min)

The Sleeping Forecast Settle down with the sounds of the piano (from the Sleeping Forecast) (60 min)

Sleepwalking Bizarre bedtime behaviours that include a woman who rides her motorbike while asleep (from the Mysteries of Sleep podcast) (28 min)

Dreaming What happens when signals in the brain misfire and dreams become terrifying nightmares? (from the Mysteries of Sleep podcast) (28 min)