Places & Travel Podcasts
Large globe on a stand in the foreground of a room

The selection of podcast episodes listed below are available long-term:

Letting the train take the strain: would you go on a foreign holiday by train instead of plane? Holidays by Rail with Kevin Mousley and the 'Man in Seat 61' (from the One to One podcast) 28 min

Things you need to think of if you're planning to take a career break to travel or work abroad (from the Smart Consumer podcast) 21 min

Venice Unravelled: At home What 'home' and 'house' mean to various types of residents in Venice (from The Essay podcast) 15 min

The London Nobody Knows Historian and broadcaster Dan Cruickshank goes off the beaten track in London (Episode 1 of 2) 13 min

Sydney Opera House Charting the famous building's construction from conception to completion (from The Greatest Structures in the World podcast) 14 min

Taj Mahal One of the wonders of the world - Paul Theroux describes it as a spiritual experience (from The Greatest Structures in the World podcast)14 min

Golden Gate Bridge - a fascinating programme covering it's construction (from The Greatest Structures in the World podcast) 14 min

Lynne Truss on travel: A year in a camper-van A journey of 38,000 miles which was without doubt a life-changing experience (from the One to One podcast) 14 min

In addition there are other, frequently-changing ones featured in

BBC Sounds' Travel Category