Hearing Loss Podcasts
A woman's hand cupped next to her ear in a way that might help her hear better

The podcast episodes listed below provide interesting information and positive suggestions about hearing loss:

My Deaf Life Finding out what it's like to be a deaf music fan (from the Radio 1 and 1Xtra Stories podcast) (14 min) https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/favourites/p06tw5wr

Hearing Me What does life sound like for someone whose hearing has suddenly changed? (from The Documentary podcast) (26 min) https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/w3csynqv

Stroke hearing loss Brain damage associated with strokes mean that survivors can find it difficult to interpret what they hear (from the You and Yours podcast) (8 min, from 17.15 - 25.10 on the recording) https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/b08g2tyg